Temples of Skin Session 5


Lesson Summary

The text highlights the importance of recognizing and respecting appointed times of judgment in God's order, as illustrated through examples in the Bible:

  • Cities, kingdoms, and nations faced consequences for their sins at their appointed times for judgment.
  • The significance of corporate sin in cities and the role of prayer in interceding for leaders and cities were emphasized for repentance, healing, and restoration.
  • Atonement and intercession play a role in appeasing God's justice and bringing about His mercy in times of judgment.

Jerusalem is discussed as a city chosen by God for divine purposes:

  • Considered sacred with a role in sacrifices, offerings, and prayer.
  • Has religious importance in scriptures as a center for worship and judgment, including Jesus' connections to the city and the consequences of rebellion against God.

The text also addresses the importance of praying for cities like Jerusalem and highlights:

  • The role of cities having specific purposes for which prayers are crucial.
  • The need for prayer, repentance, and seeking divine purposes for cities.
  • Biblical references on the consequences of repentance and judgment for cities.

The session on worship and prayer emphasizes:

  • Worship as a way to establish God's throne in a region.
  • Aligning with God's purpose through worship, prophetic understanding, and repentance.
  • The importance of humility, obedience, and being revival agents in impacting cities positively.

The discussion on prophets declaring messages at appointed times (Kairos moments) emphasizes:

  • Responding appropriately to prophetic messages, as seen in the story of Daniel and Belshazzar.
  • The role of intercessors in praying for cities and leaders to combat sin and injustice.
  • Seeking God's guidance to break generational curses and align society with God's will.

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