Jesus in the Old Testament
Jude wrote, " I want mto remind you, although you once fully knew it, that Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt" (Jude 1:5). Jesus’ appearance in the Old Testament is like a scene in a movie where a character is revealed and made significant, yet this character never fulfills his role in the plot. Directors will often introduce a character into a movie in this manner if they are planning a sequel. Those who watch the movie understand that a sequel is coming soon so that this significant character’s role will be fulfilled. When Jesus appears in the Old Testament, this phenomenon is called a “Christophany.” A Christophany notifies the reader that an undisclosed figure(who is the Christ) will soon be revealed which is the Greek word phany. This course will not just show you types of Christ, but instead the actual person of Christ manifested in the Angel of Yahweh, the Word of Yahweh, the Son of Man, and many other actual appearances.